My writing is still a little ropey, I have one piece written on my phone and later in the week I should be able to write some short pieces in a week or so.
My elbow is out of the plaster, and my wrist follows soon. My elbow bends (which is very cool) even with all the metal in it.
I have started making more videos and podcasts, as they require less typing. So let’s start with my arm. I made a video on what happen (warning, it’s not for everyone).
There is also a podcast.

I’m still doing the live wagon wheel chats on Spotify Greenroom. There have been some really good ones since I got off codeine.

And after a delay we’re finishing the third season of Double Century. This Sri Lanka episode was fun.
Lungani came over to chat about the hearings on race in South African cricket.
Also, going back to my roots on the show I created seven years back.
And we turned one of my articles into a video.
But mostly just want to thank everyone for their support. Normal service is still a way off, but I’m getting there, and the writing is almost back with it.