You can't handle the ball
So I only went and looked for all the cricket references in Aaron Sorkin TV shows
My wife was obsessed by the West Wing when we first started dating, and from there, I got into it too. And I always noticed some great cricket references, but I kinda shrugged them off a bit.
Then I started watching Sports Night, and there was another one, and not just like a one off, but an entire episode around a cricket plot point.
By the time the Newsroom came around there was a cricket cameo in that, and around that time I wrote something on cricket with balls and then let it go.
I actually have been making a list of random cricket moments in US pop culture over the years, because that’s exactly the kind of weird stuff I do. And that is what this was going to be part of, but then I thought, my man Sorkin deserves his own cricket episode.
I contacted his publicist, a few Hollywood writers, Principal Figgins (Iqbal Theba), cricket historians, and several cricketers in Bermuda to make this. So while it may look stupid, it is stupid, but has real journalism in it.
I am not sure I answered all those questions, but if you like random US references to cricket, Sorkin shows or just me making fun of stuff, this is probably the video for you.
Also, this is the coolest title for anything I‘ve come up with in ages.

Also did a really good podcast with Sid Monga about Ms Dhoni that I think is worth your 30 minutes.